Stéphane BEiLLiARD

 | Four Seasons in Zürcher Oberland

Four Seasons in Zürcher Oberland

- Categories : Landscape, Photo

In the south-east area of Zürich region, the Zürcher Oberland is really a beautiful, rural place. It's only few minutes drive from home so I managed to go there regularly and spend great time and take some top photos (at least for me!).

Here are four of them, picturing the same place throughout the year: in spring, summer, autumn and winter! This is my version of the Four Seasons ;)

The Hut in SpringZürcher Oberland, Canton of Zürich, Spring 2021.
The Hut in SummerZürcher Oberland, Caton of Zürich, Summer. August 2021
The Hut in AutumnCanton of Zürich, Autumn 2020.
Winter in Oberland ICanton of Zürich, Winter 2020-2021.

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