This is the english version of the previous "Nouveau Site" post.
So welcome on my new personal website. Let me just thank you for having landed here. And now let me explain you a bit how you can use this new photo & graphic art showroom.
First of all, you may have noticed the images/pictures are sorted into three main categories, three super-collections : "Landscape & Cities", "Aviation" and "Graphic Arts".
Landscape & cities
This first super-collection will let you see my pictures from travels, rural and urban treks. You will be proposed with images from China, the US or Toulouse, pictures from countryside of France or New-Zealand. It's the best area for panoramic views of rural land or big cities. Great highlight from this collection is the architecture theme.
The second super-collection "Aviation" gathers my airshow pictures or airliners shots. I also created a collection called "Air-to-Air Photography" in order to share specific images made from the air. An interesting collection for some of you may be the "museum" one where I put pictures of preserved aircraft in various museum all around the world.
Graphic Arts
The third super-collection is the vault of my graphic work, be it photomontage, digital paintings or computer generated images. Here also you'll find aircraft but not only!
Each super-collection is populated with collections and albums. You just have to click to navigate through them. But you also have the possibility to use tags. The majority of the images here have one or more tags. Click on one and you jump to a specific page showing all the similarly tagged images on the whole site. Click on one of these images and the new page will show you a bigger version of the picture with all the associated tags beneath. Up to you then to jump to another tag or come back once to the complete image list.
While we are talking about navigation through the site, you may notice three ways to navigate though the pictures of an album.
Finally, from the top navigation bar, you can have acces to my favorites pictures, a kind of "best-of" which will evolve with time.
- from the album front page, clicking here and there on the maxi-thumbnails (the mid-sized images)
- from a picture to another after having clicked on one, with the "previous/next" buttons. Below each image are proposed tags, we know it, but also "neighbors" pictures thumbnails.
- using the lightbox, if you click again on a single image page. The Lightbox is probably the best way to see the pictures as they are then proposed to their best resolution to fit your screen. Especially useful for panoramic views.
Don't forget you can share everything you like here on Facebook, Google+, Twitter. Every pictures, every album has a "like" button of a sharing button so don't hesitate to show your friends what you like.
So now enjoy your trip on, I hope you will like my work and this new site.