The Airbus A320 & A321, in its Sharklet and neo version. Real and fictitious liveries.
The Airbus A320 & A321, in its Sharklet and neo version. Real and fictitious liveries.
Pictures from the capital city of Scotland, in February 2015 and June 2016.
The Airbus A320 & A321, in its Sharklet and neo version. Real and fictitious liveries.
C'était déjà il y a 10 ans. Je m’apprêtais à embarquer pour un sublime voyage de l'autre coté du monde. Avril 2006. Quelques années plus tôt, un petit (! ) pays perdu aux antipodes crevait l'écran grâce au film de Peter Jackson "Le Seigneur…
The Airbus A320 & A321, in its Sharklet and neo version. Real and fictitious liveries.
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